Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Freedom Isn't Free

We had a great week with Noel but alas this past Saturday we had to take her to the airport for her flight back to Jacksonville. It was hard to watch her go because we couldn't go past security with her, we just had to let her go. We waited around until she gave us a call saying she was in her terminal and everything was good. As we waited we observed that there were several small groups of men in their Army fatigues walking to different terminals. As we were leaving Mama went up to a group of three soldiers sitting in our waiting area and asked if they would mind telling her where they were headed. She was hoping they would say somewhere like Michigan or Wisconsin. She hoped they were headed home. Without flinching the (seemingly) oldest of the group said "back to Iraq Ma'am." My heart sunk. Without even thinking Mama gave them all hugs. My sisters and I shook their hands and thanked them for their service. The third man was no older than Noel. He looked frightened. Going out the door of the airport we were all speechless. All of a sudden telling my sister good bye and knowing she was headed a mere four hundred miles away to be received and welcomed by a man who loved her didn't seem so bad after all. I didn't cry when I watched my sister walk through security but after looking those three men in the eyes and seeing their courage and commitment I was brought to tears.

May we never forget the sacrifices made for us daily so that we might be free.

Tonight, three mothers are thinking about their boys. They're wondering if they are all right, worried about their safety....

God, please bless America.


Tara said...

Thanks for sharing that with us, Hope. If life was fair, these men and others like them would be celebrated and honored daily in the news..instead of petted, pampered, "arm-chair quarterback" Hollywood celebrities. The average soldier will never get his due respect in this life, but we can honor them personally every chance we get!

Leah-Joy said...

I would be willing to say that the youngest one was even younger then Noel. I have always known that our boys were over there but, that was SO real. We touched their hands, looked into their eyes and said "thank you."

As you said,
"God, please bless America!"

Noel said...

Thank you for sharing that Hopey. We have always known that freedom is not free, but when you look into the eyes of a soldier, and see that they are real, human just like you and I. It is then when you realize deep down, that freedom is truly not free. Their sacrifice is the reason that I was able to walk through security in security.
What sacrifice, what a gift. May we never forget it!

Anonymous said...

I'm happy that God allowed you to talk to those soldiers, show them a little love. Thanks for sharing!

Debbie B said...

Beautiful post.


Elizabeth Maddox said...

You brought me to tears! That is very true...thanks for sharing that. *prays for our soldiers and their families*

Thank you Hope!!

Melanie said...

What a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing it.

Deborah said...

This post perfectly summed up the visit to the airport. I hope I never forget the faces - especially the one who was so very young. Thank you for your beautiful way with words and sharing them with us.

I love you,