Friday, August 14, 2009


These babies have officially stolen my heart. I could hold them in my lap for hours and just listen to them laugh (which they do constantly).

Mama has been blessed with new students!

Whitney-Faith slipped into the role of big sister with ease.

The THREE Travis Smith boys :)

Thank you all for your prayers! Without God on our side these babies wouldn't be here.


Leah-Joy said...

exactly!!!! they are so sweet

Melanie said...

You were so tender with them when we were there the other day. It really says a lot about your heart.

Debbie B said...

Thanks for your comments. I know that all y'all are both happy and tired. I am glad that God is working so mightily in your family.

Love and hugs,
Aunt Debbie

natali said...

you guys look like you've been together for years :))

bythelamppost said...

Yay!!! Amazing! You know I just got on here because I wanted some sort of human connection with people I know. So, I went to my blog and I saw your comment on there, which I hadn't seen previously. I need some blogging lessons. ;) I hope you are doing well!!!!!! And I want to meet those babies! =D Love you!