Watching M*A*S*H with my whole family (Mama's laughing like a school girl).
Chowing down on the best pecan pie EVER made by my gorgeous sister Whit :)
A smile from my beautiful piano teacher :) (I plan on wearing red lipstick just like her when I grow up).
A new pair of boots to keep my feet warm.
Rereading the Anne of Green Gables series (Gilbert is.... *sigh*)
Movies that give you chills, make you cry and keep you laughing for days.
Discovering how soft Jesse's cheeks are.
Getting the new Anthropologie catalog.
Catching up with old friends (and making new ones).
Wearing my favorite scarf with every top in my closet.
Finding out a friend from church is going to Shorter too!
Discovering a never ending, incomprehensible, life saving truth:
John 13:1
Now before the Feast of the Passover, Jesus, knowing that His hour had come that He would depart out of this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end.
To the end. To the cross. Why?
I am surrounded by warmth, laughter, family, love, comfort.... Why? Out of all the situations God could have placed me in He chose this family. Instead of leaving me for dead (as I deserved) He gave me HIS life. Not just any life, HIS PERFECT LIFE. Why? Never will I fully understand this but I have eternity to bask in His Life, His Blessings and His Love.
Oh come to the Father through Jesus the Son
Give Him the Glory
Great things He hath done!